Recently our newly elected Treasurer stepped down due to family commitments. This means that the club is currently without anyone overseeing our financial situation. As you might imagine, this is not a good long term (or even short term) plan for driving our club to success. The treasurer tracks deposits and expenses, making sure that our accounts are balanced, we remain in the positive, and we are able to file our taxes.
The success of the club, including our ability to pay for fields, new equipment, social events, and travel costs, as well as retain our 501c3 status (and not have to charge everyone taxes!) is contingent on our treasurer!
PLEASE - consider helping out Budd Bay Rugby if you are able.
Our new enrollment process has greatly simplified much of the treasurer's responsibilities, and we have software (Quick books) available for use. In addition, we are open to new accounting methods (preferably something web based) so if you have a particular skill-set with different tools, please don't hesitate to reach out.
As Budd Bay continues to evolve into a Pacific Northwest rugby powerhouse (stay tuned for more exciting updates on this topic later) we need to be financially accountable for our growth. I would hate for us to be forced to cut expenditures on our players simply because we don't have an accurate portrayal of our current monetary situation.
So again, if you have any interest or availability, please let me know. We do not have rigid criteria for this position, just a willingness to help out the club that we all love so much!