Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Coffee Sales

Hi All,

This is a reminder that coffee sales are due this Thursday.  I will swing by practice (Skyhawks Park, 6:30-8:30) on Thursday to collect order forms and money.  Use the links below to get order forms, find out more about coffee, or order a bag online.

Document to track coffee sales: www.buddbayrugby.com/doclib/Fundraising%20Coffee%20Order%20Form.pdf
Additional information about the coffee itself: www.buddbayrugby.com/fundraising
Link to our online store where you can buy a bag or two: www.buddbayrugby.com/store

If you don't want to attend practice, you can snail-mail your info in.  Email me for the address.

*Upcoming Events*
The Buffaloes have their final game of 2011 this weekend.  Head up to Seattle to help them take on the Quake!
Stay tuned for a Vision Fund Fundraising event coming up very soon.
