Please support our Sponsors:

 | Hope everyone's gearing up for the Tatunka 7s tournament at TESC this weekend! We look forward to seeing you all there.
Last weekend was the Barbarian's Alumni match - a great time had by all!. The weather was amazing, the turnout was superb, and the match was a lot of fun. The Alumni team, which included 3 players from the original Barbarians squad, prevailed in the match, which ended with a final score of 49-21. The real winners of course are the future Barbarians, who will all benefit from this fundraiser. Thanks to all who participated!
Along with the 7s tournament, the annual Vision Fund Golf Tournament Fundraiser is in the works. Please read below to see how you can help with donations, sponsorships and volunteering.
Save the Date - Tatunka 7s Summer Tournament
June 15, 2013 - Plans for the 21st Annual Tatunka 7's Rugby Tournament, hosted by Budd Bay, are underway. Tournament director Jennilyn Franklin has things well in hand, but if you're interested in helping out, let Jennilyn know. We'll need plenty of hands the day of the tournament. This is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year, so come on out and support the club! You can read all the details here.
Save The Date - Budd Bay Rugby BBQ
June 22, 2013 - Our on again, off again annual get together is on again! Come on out for a wrap up of the season, awards, and plans for the future, and bring an item for the potluck (the club will provide burgers and hot dogs). The main event geared towards all players and their families will be from 3-8 pm, with a social to follow. Details of the location will be in a following announcement.
Save The Date - Golf Tournament
August 11, 2013 - THIS IS A DATE CHANGE! Budd Bay is planning our annual Vision Fund Golf Tournament! Our previous event was a huge success, but this year we are really turning it up a notch. We'll be playing at Delphi Golf Course, a beautiful course out on Delphi Road. We are seeking assistance with:
- Sponsorship
- Hole Sponsors
- Donations of SWAG for raffles, player prizes and goodie bags
- Volunteers
If you are able to contribute to the event or know someone who can, check out our registration and sponsorship form. If you have any questiions or want to get involved, please get in touch with Rena who has volunteered to coordinate the event.
Upcoming Events
Sat 06/15/2013 ALL DAY LONG! | TESC | Up to 20 Teams | Budd Bay Rugby |
Sat 06/22/2013 03:00 PM - 08:00 PM | TBA | Club Wide BBQ | |
Practices at 6-8 pm at Bush park. See you there!