Budd Bay Players, Parents and Supporters,
This coming Wednesday I am making a recommendation to the Board that relates to the 2013 Budd Bay Coaching Staff. This recommendation is based on our existing senior men’s coaching staff and volunteers who have applied for the 2013 youth seasons. We are still in the process for identifying and announcing a coach for our senior women’s team.
This season we have asked volunteers to apply for coaching positions within our club. We realize all our coaching staff are non-paid volunteers, but we strive to put the most dedicated, committed and knowledgeable personnel into positions that best fit their skills. The result of this effort will bring the maximum benefit to our players. Some volunteers have indicated that they can only commit a specific percentage of their time, and we appreciate any time that any volunteer can give. Other coaches are committed 100% to the season. Based on commitment levels, tactical experience, technical experience, communication skills, cultural development, planning and preparation skills, we are determined to develop a collaborative coaching staff whose goal is to provide a consistent coaching style and standard across all of our teams. Our philosophy is based on developing a coaching staff instead of head coaches and assistants. Obviously specific roles will be absorbed by coaches that are fully committed to all practices and games and their skill set fits those of our club’s needs.
Our goal, as a club, is to provide the tools to enable all our coaches get to the highest coaching level possible. This has an immediate impact on the skill level of our players. We have decades of coaching experience within this squad and we are already working as a group to share, collaborate and implement new coaching techniques. Some members were recently involved in a 3 day coaching clinic where one of the most respected coaching directors from New Zealand presented the latest coaching philosophies that are employed by the best teams around the world. The enthusiasm within this group is incredible. They are extremely eager to get the season up and running.
Our club is recognized, locally and nationally, for the large number of players that have gone on to earn State, All-American and National level honors. This is a direct by-product of the coaching standards that we expect our coaches to uphold.
We appreciate your commitment and support to our club, and at the youth level would like to personally thank you for the opportunity to have a positive impact on your child.
If you are interested in becoming a member of our coaching staff please contact me, any official member of our club, or go online and fill out a volunteer application.
Please feel free to contact me via email at peteandrachelle@comcast.net or phone (360) 485-6629 (cell) if you have any questions.
This season we have asked volunteers to apply for coaching positions within our club. We realize all our coaching staff are non-paid volunteers, but we strive to put the most dedicated, committed and knowledgeable personnel into positions that best fit their skills. The result of this effort will bring the maximum benefit to our players. Some volunteers have indicated that they can only commit a specific percentage of their time, and we appreciate any time that any volunteer can give. Other coaches are committed 100% to the season. Based on commitment levels, tactical experience, technical experience, communication skills, cultural development, planning and preparation skills, we are determined to develop a collaborative coaching staff whose goal is to provide a consistent coaching style and standard across all of our teams. Our philosophy is based on developing a coaching staff instead of head coaches and assistants. Obviously specific roles will be absorbed by coaches that are fully committed to all practices and games and their skill set fits those of our club’s needs.
Our goal, as a club, is to provide the tools to enable all our coaches get to the highest coaching level possible. This has an immediate impact on the skill level of our players. We have decades of coaching experience within this squad and we are already working as a group to share, collaborate and implement new coaching techniques. Some members were recently involved in a 3 day coaching clinic where one of the most respected coaching directors from New Zealand presented the latest coaching philosophies that are employed by the best teams around the world. The enthusiasm within this group is incredible. They are extremely eager to get the season up and running.
Our club is recognized, locally and nationally, for the large number of players that have gone on to earn State, All-American and National level honors. This is a direct by-product of the coaching standards that we expect our coaches to uphold.
We appreciate your commitment and support to our club, and at the youth level would like to personally thank you for the opportunity to have a positive impact on your child.
If you are interested in becoming a member of our coaching staff please contact me, any official member of our club, or go online and fill out a volunteer application.
Please feel free to contact me via email at peteandrachelle@comcast.net or phone (360) 485-6629 (cell) if you have any questions.