Monday, December 19, 2011

Vision Fund Holiday Party (and other news)


The end of the year is upon us!  Fortunately, that does not mean that things are winding down.  Our biggest event is coming up quickly - this Friday!  Our Vision Fund Holiday party starts at 7pm on Friday, December 23rd.  For more information, read the invite.  You can RSVP at any time - let us know if you are coming so we can have enough food and drink!  This is going to be a great event, with a focus on building this club towards a better future.  We will be doing lots of socializing, a little fundraising (silent auction!) and making serious progress towards reaching our goals of owning our own fields.  We really want you to be there to be a part of this great step.

Of course - we've got other things going on too!  The Barbarians have started practicing.  Missed it?  Don't worry, its not too late.  Join them at Skyhwaks Park, Tuesday and Thursday, 6-8 pm.  The Steelheads will be starting on January 3rd, with the Buffaloes and Bandits starting shortly thereafter.  You can register online at any time!

As always, you can check out the minutes from our recent board meetings online, and get all sorts of other information about the club and the latest goings-ons.  We're working on some other big changes as well as we go into the new year, so keep checking back.  You won't want to miss out on any of the great stuff we have planned!

On behalf of the board, I would like to wish all of our Players, Parents, Coaches, Volunteers and Supporters a very Happy Holidays!  I'll be back once more before the year is out with a report on the Vision Fund Holiday party, and hopefully I will see you all there.  In the mean time, enjoy whatever fun plans you've made for the coming weeks!
