Hello BBRFC,
This is a reminder for those who know and an invite for those who haven't heard that the club's Annual General Meeting is taking place tomorrow. This is a great time to bring up any questions or concerns that you may have regarding the Budd Bay Rugby Football Club. Also, we will be electing new board members. So if you are at all interested in participating at the board level of the BBRFC, please come and volunteer. It's Fun!
Date: July 25, 2010
Time: 1:00 p.m.
Place: Apollo's Pizza and Pasta
2010 Harrison Avenue Northwest
Olympia, WA 98502
The Agenda for the AGM reads as follows: (you can find the agenda and previous meeting minutes by visiting: http://www.buddbayrugby.com/minutes.php
Invitees: Budd Bay RFC Membership
I. Call to order
II. Member Comment
III. Approval of Minutes
IV. Officer Reports – The Year in Review
(Club & Team Recaps and other updates by the members of the Board)
V. Open issues
A. Dues Policy Update
B. Travel Accommodations Policy (New)
C. Financial Management Policy Update
VI. New business
A. Coaching Staff Affirmations
B. Directors-at-Large Nominations
C. Volunteer Positions
VII. Election of Officers
A. President (1-yr term)
B. Vice President (2-yr term)
C. Secretary (2-yr term)
D. Senior Team Representative (2-yr term)
E. Youth Team Representative (2-yr term)
F. Others, as needed
VIII. Other business
A. Open Invoices
B. Bandit Travel Reimbursements
C. Awards
1. Budd Bay Brother
2. Budd Bay Sister
3. President’s Award
IX. Adjournment