Hello all,
As most of you know, Dan Smith will be stepping down as President of BBRFC in August, after many years of leading this club. Dan’s service, commitment, guidance, drive and support have been phenomenal, and will be greatly missed. One of the things that Dan has been working on is assuring that the transition to new club leadership goes as smoothly as possible. Along those lines, Dan has commissioned the board to create a Nomination Committee, tasked with nominating a President, as well as other board positions that need to be filled. I have agreed to coordinate this effort.
Whether you have been involved in the club leadership or not, you have no doubt been impacted by Dan’s involvement. Our next President will have that same impact on Budd Bay Rugby. The leadership of the club determines the coaches, fields, practice times, dues, player policies, budgets, and more, and the President sets the tone.
The Nomination Committee will be responsible for seeking out potential candidates, and then vetting those candidates. The Committee’s recommendations will be presented to the club members at the AGM at the end of July. The Committee will most likely not need to meet regularly, as much of the ground work can be done through email. While the time commitment will be small, the impact a Committee member will have on the club will be enormous.
If you are interested in the direction our club will take in the next few years, would like to help shape the qualities needed in our club leadership, or are simply want to give back something to the sport you love so much, the Nomination Committee is the place for you! Some of the roles of Committee members will include:
Determining which board positions, in addition to President, need to be filled.
Defining the job descriptions for those positions.
Reaching out to players, parents, supporters, and other members of the Budd Bay Rugby community for nominations to fill those positions.
Reaching out to community volunteer groups and other external resources to find qualified candidates.
Compiling a list of interested and willing candidates.
Creating questions to ask those candidates.
Interviewing the candidates.
Selecting individuals to nominate, and presenting those nominations to the club members at July’s AGM.
I am asking that anyone interested in being on this committee email me in the next two weeks. Note that I will be out of town, so will not respond immediately, but I will contact all interested individuals when I return. Please send me an email at fields@buddbayrugby.com by 4/30/2010.
A few notes:
Being on the Nomination Committee does NOT disqualify you from running for a position on the board. In the event that a conflict of interest arises, you will be asked to recuse yourself from relevant discussions.
If you know of someone who might be interested, but does not receive club emails, please pass on this opportunity!
I do not anticipate this being an overwhelmingly time consuming job.
I do anticipate this being an incredibly important point in the club’s life – and your participation will have a profound impact on the future of Budd Bay Rugby.
In the event that an enormous number of individuals indicate their interest, we may limit the number of committee members to help facilitate an efficient process (we only have 3 months!). All interested members will be notified of the next steps at that time.
Thank you for your interest in the future of the club!