The mid-season break is over and the Buffaloes are back at it next week with their first away game against Battleground. Remember, you can stay up to date on the latest club happenings by visiting our webpage, and in particular, our team schedules page.
I know its early, but its time to start thinking about our end-of-season events. For some of you, that may be trips to State or even National Championships. For others, that's an end-of-the-year party. And on the more practical side, we always need new jerseys, balls, med kits, and field equipment.
All of these great endeavors are contingent on our fundraising! The Barbarians have already started their efforts with some great deals on Red Bull Cola - get in touch with Dan Dillashaw if you want to buy or sell some delicious Red Bull to help them out.
We will also be doing a club-wide coffee drive for the next 3 weeks. For those of you who haven't participated in our coffee sales before, this is a great (and easy) event where we sell custom Budd Bay Rugby bags of delicious Olympic Crest Coffee. Sell bags for $10 each, fill out and turn in the paperwork, and shortly you'll have coffee to hand out to your buyers. Players - hit up your parents, grandparents, workmates, neighbors, etc, and sell some coffee! If you want to know more about the coffee, click here for some more info. You can get the form to track your sales here.
If you just want to buy bags for yourself, or you're interested in other BBRFC gear (want to start Holiday shopping early?) be sure to check out our new online store. We will be continuing to add great gear to the store, so don't be afraid to check back regularly!
Thanks for all your support - your efforts help allow our players to succeed in Rugby!