Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Bandit's D2 Championships


As members of the Bandits prepare for their (first!) trip to Nationals, they have been working hard to raise funds to cover hotel costs, van rentals, gas, water, and other expenses. Players are incurring the cost of airfare on their own.

A trip to Nationals (and subsequent win!) doesn’t just benefit the Bandits. Their trip continues to spread the name and reputation of the Budd Bay Rugby Football Club across the country, just as the Buffaloes do when they travel to Nationals, or the Steelheads and Barbarians do during their respective Championship tournaments.

As with every one of these accomplishments, it is great to see the club band together and support each other! This mentality of 100+ active rugby players – plus countless Alumni – working together is part of what sets Budd Bay Rugby apart from the rest of the rugby community.

One way the Bandits are working to raise funds is by selling a calendar featuring... Themselves! The calendars are being sold for $20.00, with some of the production costs being offset by local business. Proceeds will go towards the Bandit’s travel funds.

I encourage anyone interested in helping out to sell these calendars! There is only 1 week left – all orders (including money) need to be in by 11/09/2010. Please contact Casey Kilduff, the Bandit’s team coordinator, for further information. Her email is

Let’s support the Bandits! Let’s support Budd Bay Rugby! Let’s sell calendars!

Thank you all for your dedication to BBRFC!

Kyle McKown